Boguslaw Wieczorek

Bogusław Wieczorek Board Representative for Public Relations Olivia Business Centre

A legal advisor with close to 10 years professional involvement with the Olivia Business Centre in Gdańsk; mostly negotiating leases and conducting processes related to obtaining financing. For over a year a Board Representative for Public Relations, being responsible for Olivia’s media coverage, cooperation with the local community, and with science and business institutions. In his free time, Bogusław publishes on intellectual property law and initiated obtaining of copyright by Poland to the song “Czerwone Maki na Monte Cassino / Red Poppies on the Monte Cassino”, known as the second Polish national anthem. A Member of the Council of the National Center for Research and Development (Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju) since 2018.


2021-09-14, Tuesday 13:20 - 13:40
CASE STUDY: Olivia Centre: Where Business Meets Community

Concert Hall

Hamish Potts | ESG Officer | Olivia Business Centre
Bogusław Wieczorek | Board Representative for Public Relations | Olivia Business Centre