Ewa Szabuniewicz zdjecie S

Ewa Szabuniewicz People & Culture Head and Site Manager Central Shared Services Staples Solutions

HR professional with 20 years of experience, enthusiast of organisation design and strategy implementation, concentrated on culture and change management. Keeping in the centre development and effectiveness, while playing different roles in international companies such as GE Money Bank, Sony Pictures GBS.

Graduated from Psychology on University of Gdańsk and Human Resources Management course on City University, London.

Currently leading a business integration project, with focus on people and team work, boosting engagement and passion.


2021-09-14, Tuesday 12:20 - 13:20
PANEL: How to ensure business continuity through adequate talent management and proper use of the new workplace environment

White Hall

Moderator: Ewa Szabuniewicz | People & Culture Head and Site Manager | Central Shared Services Staples Solutions
Dorota Osiecka | Director Workplace Innovation | Colliers
Marcin Piątkowski | Leasing & Marketing Director | TORUS
Adam Sikorski | Knowledge Center Site Leader | Hapag Lloyd